OlCabour's Hangar

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mardi, 25 novembre 2014

Battlestar Galactica - Half studio scale - Painting

First a fair coat of primer (Tamyia spray can)

Then matt black spray (car paint spray can)

I had to correct a few drops (with sanding sponge)

The spray can can not go everywhere, I finish corners with airbrush

A right gray was difficult to find and to apply as I am not used to paint models of this size.

First test with sky Grey XF-19 aero: rthe esult too white and not enough uniform

So after a new coat of black, I changed color (I do not remember which one). Although it looked nice on the pictures, it was this time too dark.

So I change technique, I get back to the tamiya gray primer, and I kept it as base coloer as I liked.

For the red stripes, I first applied white, then a standard red and finally dark red (it is not an X-Wing ;) )

The supplied decals brake down during application. So I made new ones by testing different font sizes.

dimanche, 16 novembre 2014

Battlestar Galactica - Half studio scale - Final detailling

I added details in trying to follow the original model. The parts come from the kit itself, but mainly many kits 1/72, 1/48 and 1/35 tanks, naval ships, or various parts of the spares box.

- On top of the engine module, it was not easy to find and set all the parts.

- Same thing behind the head

- the underside of the central engine modules also requires a lot of work to complete and adjust the parts supplied

- Here it was necessary to add walls to the Leopold parts

- the screws are hidden behind tank wheels.

- Junctions of the arms with the hangars

- details creation to hide the hangar lateral openings of the electical sockets and stands.

- the end part of the hangars are finally glued and held together with straps during curing.

Battlestar Galactica - Half studio scale - Setting top and bottom caps domes

I finish the domes to keep them removable (behind will be hide the electric supply and the support openings).

Here, a flexible tube is used

There, I take an mold of the thread that I casted in resin. A screw is inserted to secure bonding.

Below, I use a hooded bathrobe for optical lens that fits perfectly on my tube (table leg, you remember ?). This dome will be rarely used because the Galactica will be 99.9% of the time stand from there.

lundi, 10 novembre 2014

Battlestar Galactica - Half studio scale - Engines lighting

If put in the center of engine, the LED can be clearly seen, and it's not very nice.

Between two engines, it is much less viewable and lighting is more uniform as being indirect

same with the small central reactor.

Red center engine is a warm white LED behind a red transparent sheet (like on the real way).
In this case I have to change the box to position the LED below (and more uniform indirect lighting), and out of sight. So I had to remove the "floor" I originally installed.

Rather than a red LED, I use a warm white led. A red or clear transparent sheet painted clear red will adjust the right shade.

For the main reactors, I take cold white LED, which tend toward blue. If it is not blue enough, so I'll add a blue transparent sheet behind the honeycomb.

I found that it does not yet enlightened enough because the honeycomb grid limits the light diffusion. So I igh LEDs along the backbone, again to avoid direct lighting.
The box will remain removable, so I could still add even more later if necessary.

dimanche, 9 novembre 2014

Battlestar Galactica - Half studio scale - Main assembly and lighting installation

Once the hangars done, I went on the installation of the electrical circuit, which is done along with the main assembly (gluing of the frame and parts of previously prepared large).

- Connectors above the center of the second dome (the first hiding the support)
It is sandwiched between the resin and the reinforcement medium plate.

- In the central part, once the structure is in place, the remaining space is small and it is difficult to insert many wires, LEDs and fiber optics.
I use warm white (as are all the windows on the real Galactica). The fiber is 0.75mm.

- Yellow boxes

In the four small boxes, fiber is set with white glue.

The yellow LED are connected to fiber (1mm this time) in a white pipe, and secured with white.

- hangars circuit.

The electrical circuit is connected by a wire going through the forearm (via a tunnel that I did previously during the dry assembling)

- For the head, there is enough space to install everything relatively quietly. Yet it was not easy.
Due to the work on the gap and light leaks, many fibers broke. Some will be replaced up to 3 times! :(

In fact, the Galactica is a cat ... the proof: he has a mustache

So to block the ligth leaks on the head, I use black paint (of course), the black tape around the LED pipes and strips of black cloth (with 2 glued in sausage).

- For the bridge, I was planning to run the fibers into the head, but the strength of the fibers (as a bundle) did not allow them to go through the small opening provided without force feedback on the part, that I was afraid to break !

So they are finally inserted in the side a tube where a LED is inserted.

To avoid the light leaks through, I glued a photoeched plate

The fibers are set with white glue.
A mixture of plaster and black paint is tsmeared o block other light leaks.

And it works.

The LED is stuck in a cap (superglue cap here)

To facilitate the work, I made the stand to support Galactica upside down.

jeudi, 30 octobre 2014

Battlestar Galactica - Half studio scale - Painting sheds, viper and shuttles and lighting

Painting of dozens of viper and shuttles : The orange stripes, cockpits and engines are hand-made.

I'm a Viper maniac ! :D
(and no, I don't need a therapy!)

To paint the hangar, I played with different shades of gray: standards, greenish, beige...
The workshops are covered with white to better diffuse the ceiling red lights.

A light black wash is done mainly to highlight the workshops greeblies.

Added clear red plate behind the doors of the launch tubes of viper

As my hangars can not go the full length because of the side supports (metal bar), I extend it with a decal.
For this, I slightly modified the scans of the original design (removing the large Vipers, and color adjustment)

Placing the Viper and shuttles (with white glue)

- Right hangar

- Left hangar

Finishing the lighting of the sheds. Only warm white LED will be used. Red environments are done with transparent plastic sheets covered with Tamiya Clear Red.
There are 11 led by hangar.

Upper ceiling

which is painted mat black

I'm pretty happy with the result :)

- Right hangar

- Left hangar

mercredi, 29 octobre 2014

Battlestar Galactica - Half studio scale - Viper and shuttle - molding

To populate the sheds, I need mini vipers and a few colonial shuttles.

The Viper in this scale is 4.5 mm long.
I'm going with T-channel as a base. I tested 2 and I go on the widest.
After few cuts, and add of two small rods, it looks like a viper.

For the master of the shuttle, I used a section of a PVC strip.
I mark the corners following a blueprint, and cut.
I added the pads and graved the cockpit windows.

I realize a first mold with Siligum.
And I get my first casts.

After a dozen runs, the Viper mold is dead, but that does not matter because now I can get into a second mold with a whole squadron, which was the goal :)
I use standard rtv, which will hold better than Siligum.

Vipers clusters !

Battlestar Galactica - Half studio scale - Rack on the front arm

At the corner of the front arm, there is a round rack of 5 tubes, bombs from a B-29 kit.
The part provided, based on Macross missiles only contains 4 and it did not satisfied me.

Finding no equivalent in my spare box, I scratched new ones using tree bits mounted on the dremel and shaped with files.

They are then placed on a small stand.

Battlestar Galactica - Half studio scale - sheds ends entrance

I continued the interior detailing of the hangars by the staging area.
The walls are of the evergreen plate where I can placed the inner walls.
These inner walls are cut one by one.

The thickness of the floor is set to align it the the hangar floor.

Battlestar Galactica - Half studio scale - Furnishings sheds

I wanted the hangars interior to look like the drawings of Andy Probert used as trompe-l'oeil on the original model of the Galactica (provided as 2 decals in the kit ).
It was necessary to translate and extrapolate the drawing while playing with the small space, the lighting, the discordant scales between the drawing, the hangar and the viper launch tubes (on the exterior side).

My blueprint is drawn directly on the part floor. I only use half the hangar lentgh, as the metal bar cut it in the middle.
It will be lit in white above the runway and red on the sides.

On the workshop side, I added greeblies along the wall.

And on the other side (with the launch tubes alcoves), the wall is rather smooth, so I added some paneling.
The trapezoidal openings are aligned to match the outputs of the launch tubes.

The ceiling of the runway is a clear plastic card, frosted with sand paper, detailled with Evergreen plates, behind which will be later placed the leds in indirect lighting.

The ceiling of the workshop is a ladder covered with frosted transparent plastic, which will be painted Red Clear later. The LED will later be placed on top.

For the LEDs to not move and remain in indirect lighting, a housing is created with plastic card above ceiling to lock them.

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